RECORDED 3/2/15: I had a great talk with comedian Alex Barnett who bills himself as a Stand-Up Comedian and Multiracial Family Man. You can follow him on Twitter (@barnettcomic) and You Tube and his blog. And be sure to listen in. You can listen to our chat below or download the episode from itunes.–Heidi Durrow
Alex Barnett’s comedy is about family, specifically his family. As the White, Jewish husband of a Black woman (who converted to Judaism) and the father of a 3 year-old, Biracial son, he focuses his attention on the challenges of being a parent in a bad economy and the issues that confront interracial families (including the dynamics between members of the same family who are of different races).
Alex has been seen on the Katie Couric Show, been featured on Sirius/XM Radio’s “Raw Dog Comedy,” NBC’s EVB Live, RT TV America and NYC-TV and in The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, and
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